
Alisa .
Annesah .
Chui Yie .
Earniey .
Farisha .
Hanisha .
Iqbal .
Kina .
Max .
Michelle .
Sam .
Qila .
Ying .
February 2010
March 2010
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July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
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Inspiration .
Colour codes .
BRAAAPJune 17, 2010
Today was bittersweet--more bitter than it was sweet. The sweet part was that I took the last of May/June exams! Too bad it wasn't much reason to celebrate, as it was my most unsatisfactory paper >.<
However, that wasn't the worst. I woke up this morning to see a text from Sister Dear telling me that our cat, Kumbang, died :'( If you knew him, you'd be teary-eyed too. He was the most endearing cat that we've had: totally tame, always playful and the perfect size for cuddling. It's such a shame that Sister Dear, Dani-pie and Chickadee only had the pleasure of knowing him for one week :( Even within that short time, Dani-pie grew very attached to Kumbang. I hate when either of my youngest siblings are sad. Anger, frustration, embarrassment.. that's fine. But sadness is not something children should know.

Labels: In all seriousness, Rants and/or updates
@ 11:37 PM; back to the top
Uh ohJune 16, 2010
There's no easy way to say this.. I might change my layout again :S This one is so small and cramped, it makes me feel claustrophobic. If/when my blog has yet another makeover, I'll try to stick to it.
Btw, what is up with the 80+ views in two days? Minus at least 20 views on my part when I tried to modify the layout. I wouldn't be surprised if someone is out there refreshing my page just to make the count go higher. Haha, how else would my page be "visited" so many times? But just so you know, I won't make references to my page hits anymore, it's not important.
P.S. If I use pictures from other websites, I usually make the image a link to the source.
Labels: Rants and/or updates
@ 5:46 PM; back to the top
I liedJune 14, 2010
I'm quite the self-obsessed person, and basically, I need the reassurance that people do go to my blog (and read it). So yeah, I got myself a page counter. Um, other than that.. I have the rest of today and tomorrow to study for my last two exams, which also happen to be the two hardest >.<
On Friday, I'll finally get to see my friends. The day after that, I'll be making my way down to Melaka for the two weeks with la familia :)
Labels: Rants and/or updates
@ 4:32 PM; back to the top
BooyahJune 13, 2010
Hello, all :)Today I saw my youngest sister for the first time in five and a half months. I've missed her! I've yet to see my younger brother, but I have to wait another week, and by then it will be five months and three weeks since I've seen him!
My sister has the most perfect "tudung face". In my opinion, she has the best chin and cheekbones in the family. And today I noticed that her teeth are really nice too! She's all angles, I tell you. She's got about 0% body fat and a very contagious gummy smile.
While we were at one of my aunt's house, a preview on TV showed a pair of Siamese twins with only one heart in between the two. My sister asked me in the most innocent, child-like manner, do we share a heart? I couldn't help but laugh at her complete oblivion toward the fact that you had to be attached to your sibling to be a Siamese twin, let alone to share an organ.
Half a day with the parentals and my youngest sister was not enough to make up for almost six months of separation. I'm so looking forward to spending two weeks with the whole familia (excluding the father) after I finish with my exams!
Labels: Rants and/or updates
@ 11:54 AM; back to the top
Mother NatureJune 11, 2010
What intriguing creatures they are! It literally made me smile to see how protective and caring parent penguins are. And did you see how brilliantly they dove out of the water to escape the leopard seal? Who else but penguins can dive out of water?
This is sort of the other side of the story. It's amazing how the leopard seal switched roles from predator to nurturer, how she could form the thought that the photographer couldn't fend for himself and wanted to help him survive.
:) National Geographic always has amazing footage, photos and stories.
Labels: Miscellaneous, Videos, Youtube
@ 7:50 PM; back to the top
Canada's Other Justin
Photo by Fred Morledge
This is Justin Nozuka. (Kudos to whoever first told me of him a couple of years ago.)
As quoted from his website, "There are so many examples of artists that become really successful and go crazy. It just says a lot about human beings in those situations, getting so much attention and having that cushy lifestyle, travelling all over the place, talking about themselves in every interview. I feel it, at times, just the weird mental madness from all that. I think it's really important to keep your perspective."
If you're into chill, easy-listening soul music, I think you should definitely give him a listen. I've only been playing his 2 whole albums for the past day, so I haven't decided on my favorites yet. Off the top of my head, I'd recommend After Tonight, Save Him, Down in a Cold Dirty Well, Gray and Woman Put Your Weapon Down.
Labels: Music/Songs
@ 12:18 PM; back to the top
0123456789June 7, 2010
Say hello to my new layout! It's simple, clean and super minimalistic. Granted, you can neither comment nor view my older posts, but these minor details can be overlooked, as there's a comment box in the Your.Thoughts tab and my blog archive the The.Dreamer tab :) Problem solved.
Now, I'd like to sort of explain yesterday's title-less post. It's uh, a smidge depressing? Is that the right word? I don't know.. but I do know that sometimes I can relate to that statement one hundred percent. Mind, this is quite personal; the type of personal that my blog usually is not. When I found that "picture" on someone's Tumblr, I was shocked that someone could so perfectly sum up exactly how I was feeling. Often times I find myself asking, how did I get here? where am I going? what am I doing?
And just as the clouds can threaten us with a thunderstorm but surprise as with a sunny drizzle instead, these thoughts come and go.

I hope everyone's well and enjoying their holidays or getting ready for them :)
Labels: Rants and/or updates
@ 8:05 PM; back to the top
June 6, 2010

Labels: In all seriousness
@ 6:49 PM; back to the top
If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at allJune 1, 2010
If someone is different from us, we should accept them for what and who they are. If we like them, fine. If we don’t like them, fine. Either way, let’s not go to the extremes of obsession or rudeness. It doesn’t matter if they’re worldwide celebrities or the rich bitch from school. People are people, just like you and I. It doesn’t matter if they’ve said something mean to us or insulted our cultures. We can stand up for ourselves without offending them. It doesn’t matter if everyone else is doing it. We don’t have to conform if it means stooping to their level.I say we because it’s something I see almost everyone doing, myself included. By making fun of someone because of something they’re born with, be it a big nose or an unusual voice, aren’t we insinuating that it’s okay to mock their skin colour or ethnic background? Maybe that’s a stretch... but doesn’t one thing lead to another?
Just because we don’t like someone, doesn’t mean we have to hate on them.
Labels: In all seriousness, Rants and/or updates
@ 11:58 PM; back to the top