
Alisa .
Annesah .
Chui Yie .
Earniey .
Farisha .
Hanisha .
Iqbal .
Kina .
Max .
Michelle .
Sam .
Qila .
Ying .
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
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Background .
Inspiration .
Colour codes .
Truth be toldMarch 31, 2010
"Today, I realized that everyone who proclaims that they are ninjas are inherently wrong. Real ninjas wouldn't tell. MLIA"
The person who wrote that is one smart cookie!
You can read more here.
Read at own risk. Content is addictive.
Labels: Miscellaneous
@ 9:20 PM; back to the top
Happy birthday

Labels: Yo shawty--it's yo birfday
@ 11:27 AM; back to the top
Distraction at its peakMarch 29, 2010
My trials are two weeks away, yet I'm still more concerned with getting through my "19th century books to read" list than working through the syllabus for each subject. I finished Oliver Twist this weekend, and today I started Northanger Abbey, despite my better judgement for picking up a textbook instead.How can I neglect the one interest that I've had since the beginning of my school life? My enthusiasm for chemistry, biology and math pale in comparison to the fascination I have for the rich wordplay contained within the pages of classic literature. English is the only subject that I've had unfaltering confidence in since kindergarten. It has never failed me, and likewise, I have never failed it.

Now there's a bum in the making.
LRT station.
Labels: Books, Rants and/or updates
@ 11:58 PM; back to the top
Must. Stop. Giving. In!March 25, 2010
I'm like the little kid who can't resist picking the next-door neighbor's pretty but off limits flowers. Not only do I know it won't benefit anyone, but I'm also well aware that there will be consequences. In my case, the temptation is the horribly addictive Internet!I wish I could say I have OCD for checking Facebook/Blogger/Hotmail every 5 minutes. It sounds much better than the truth: I have an obsession with updating or being updated. So what's today's update? I've become part of the Formspring community :o So yes, now I'll be compulsively logging in to that as well. The idea's pretty brilliant though. You can ask the weirdest, most awkward questions that you've never been able to do in real life, and the person can never find out it was you if you choose! If anyone wants to ask me something, please make it worthwhile and not something you can ask on Facebook or in person. Don't make me go:

Oh, and I just want to say, I appreciate you guys reading my blog :) You have no idea how much I love getting comments or any form of feedback. It feels pretty good to know that people spend time reading what I have to say, so thank you :)
Labels: Rants and/or updates
@ 11:14 PM; back to the top
Bits and piecesMarch 23, 2010

(1) A Level calendar '10 (2) Picture taken in '07 (Ying, Nashira, Nadin, Khabo) (3) Birthday card from Lythiah received in October (my birthday is in January lol) (4) Birthday card from Chickadee and Dani-pie brought by my father from Jakarta (5) Note card of reversible reactions (6) Grease by MIGS ticket (7) Picture taken in December '09 (Carissa, Ryan as Santa, Nashira) (8) Picture taken in '07 (Sam, Lythiah, Kina, Nashira) (9) Colored post-its saying "Si, yo quiero estudiar", meaning "Yes, I do want to study" (10) Weekly schedule (11) Mini picture taken on June 26, '09 (JB, Ervin, Carissa, Nashira, Ying, Kina, Imma, Mumi) (12) Post-it of the number of classes I've missed this semester (so far only once for each subject!) (13) Mini mirror (14) January '10 self-made calendar (I've been meaning to update this) (15) Prayer to remember something forgotten (16) Time table for Jan '10 A Level exams (I don't know why I never took it down) (17) Laundry ticket and card (18) Air freshener, mmm green tea :) (19) Photo frame, pictures taken in '07 and '08 (Khabo, Nadin, Ying, Nashira), (Nashira, Imma), (Lythiah, Sam, Kina, Nashira) and (Nashira, Kina) (20) Baby lotion (21) Quran (22) Decorated shoe box of random items (23) Laptop (a.k.a. My Baby, with a desktop picture of coffee beans)
I don't have a picture of everyone I care about, obviously, and most of the pictures are old, but the memories captured are what matter. Do you put things up that remind you of good times and loved ones? I would really love it if you posted a picture of your own wall or room on your blog. Pfft, look at me, talking as if I have readers! ;)
Labels: Miscellaneous
@ 7:36 PM; back to the top
My bones ache, my skin feels coldMarch 21, 2010
This blog post will contain no smileys, no pictures, no jokes. I just want to let this out and maybe feel better.In two days, I went to two hospitals for two entirely different reasons. Thankfully, there's nothing wrong with me, though I can't as easily say that for others.
I was definitely taken by surprise at the gravity of the situation. I played with my fingers nervously while glancing up at the the sign that read "HDU: High Dependency Unit". Then I saw him.
At the time that I was supposed to be strong, I couldn't hold back my tears. One look at the bandages across his chest, the wires in his arms, those eyes so similar to my father's... I couldn't stop myself, as much as I wanted to. I was desperate for a topic of conversation, but he had turned away from me. I thought I'd hurt his feelings, but I looked up to see him trying to give me a box of tissues. He was trying to console me. It wasn't supposed to be that way. Then he too held a tissue to his eyes, which almost broke me. I wanted so badly to touch him, reassure him that everything was going to be okay, but I couldn't speak. I motioned for my sister to give him my parents' regards. I would have given anything for my father to be in my place. After moments of silence, I'd controlled myself enough to tell him my brother was going to visit my parents the next day, which led to me offering to bring my brother to him. That ended our word-deprived conversation. When I salam him goodbye, I fought back a new set of tears at the touch of his cold, cold hands.
I left the room with my heart in my throat. I can't imagine how scared he must have been before the surgery. I wish my parents could have been there instead of me. They would have known what to say...
Labels: In all seriousness
@ 7:49 PM; back to the top
There's nothing like some hot black coffeeMarch 19, 2010

Labels: Miscellaneous
@ 9:47 AM; back to the top
Tell me what you want to hearMarch 18, 2010
As much as I hate to say it, I don't get as excited for a new Gossip Girl episode as I used to for the first two seasons. From the beginning of Season 3, the drama had dwindled down and it got a little routine, but they pulled off a great episode 12 before leaving us avid watchers desperate for more. When the show finally picked up again after a 3 month hiatus, I couldn't wait to see what had become of all the characters, however, it was a bit of a let down for me.
To sum it up, Serena is just as impulsive and can't keep her tongue to herself, Jenny still doesn't know right from wrong and religiously stands up for what she wants, Lily keeps making the same mistakes and covers them up instead of telling the truth and Rufus... is just plain annoying these days. Chuck and Blair are the only ones who I think have changed and managed to remain interesting. Though Chuck is still hard on himself, he's more in touch with his feelings, while Blair has given up on scheming and dedicated herself to being there for Chuck. They definitely belong together, though to be honest, I miss the times when each of them found it hard to give in and admit their love for the other.
The 14th episode wasn't much better than the 13th, but as it closed to OneRepublic's Secrets, I found myself eager for next week's installment.
Click on the pictures to see where I got them from :)
Labels: Music/Songs, TV
@ 11:00 PM; back to the top
Guilty as chargedMarch 17, 2010
If the rare event occurs that I'm not on Facebook, my left index finger automatically hits the F key every time I open a new tab, which in turn triggers the drop down menu of all visited sites starting with that letter. I'm then only an Enter key away from seeing the familiar News Feed. It takes all my will power to refrain from performing this last step. However, as though guided by muscle memory and reflex, I'm always back on Facebook only minutes after closing the window, even when I know there won't be any notifications waiting for me.---
As soon as I came back from class today, I eagerly read and reread an email from my dad, after which I embarked on my ritual of university hunting. Yesterday, while I was on said hunt, I came across a course that was described so fully and so much to my liking that I even mentally chose which classes to take as if I had already enrolled. It was such a disappointment to find out that I didn't satisfy the listed prerequisites :( Never mind the barely there job opportunities in the first place.
Labels: Rants and/or updates
@ 11:43 PM; back to the top
Distractions, distractions

Keira Knightley.
Labels: Celebrity crushes
@ 12:10 AM; back to the top
I'm a hormanal teenagerMarch 13, 2010
This overwhelming confusion makes me want to cry.I don't want to ask, why is life so hard?
Because for me, it isn't.
My life is very easy. Not the easiest, but I've definitely got everything that I could ever need.
Yet I'm forever wanting more.
I'm not referring to my desire for material things. No, I could do without them.
However, there are things that aren't as accessible that I would love to have,
like financial freedom to be able to choose a career that is by no means stable;
social freedom to allow me to do something that doesn't necessarily scream supreme intelligence;
and freedom in general so that I don't succumb to my worst fears due to pressure from those who least intend to push me into anything against my will.
My future probably wouldn't seem so terrifying if I wasn't so scared to commit myself to something that for now I have no confidence in.
P.S. I'm a grammar freak, and I'm sorry for ending my last sentence with a preposition. My brain isn't in enough of a state to rearrange the sentence to fix this error.
Labels: Rants and/or updates
@ 2:03 PM; back to the top
What are men compared to rocks and mountainsMarch 11, 2010
On Thursdays, I'm able to take my time getting up since class starts at 11:00. This morning was particularly pleasant as I had the pleasure of spending an hour visiting the elegant grounds of Pemberley.
That's not my style of writing haha. As is evident, I'm rather influenced by Jane Austen's language. I mean, who wouldn't be captivated by the way she portrays the late 1700's? This is of course, putting aside the ridiculous social hierarchy and almost total ignorance of women's life beyond marriage. But, I'm not writing about Jane Austen's humorous views of society. At least, not in this post.
Whenever I read, I get really involved in the reality of the story. Believe me when I say really involved. I start thinking the same way as the narrator, believing the maliciousness of the antagonists, and feeling just like the main character. I get very emotionally attached to the heroes and heroines. For example, last year, I regarded Emma Woodhouse of Hartfield from Emma as a close friend whom I'd known for years. And now, I can't help but fall for the alluring (and might I add filthy rich) Mr. Darcy all over again.
I have noted from my very first post that I'm mad, so yes, I do find friends and lovers amongst fictitious people.
Click on the picture to see where I got it from :)
Labels: Books, Rants and/or updates
@ 7:47 PM; back to the top
Baby stepsMarch 9, 2010
For approximately 3.7% of my life, I was a zombie.No really.
I was alive, but everything else inside was dead. I had no ambition, no hope, no dream, no direction. Basically, I gave up. I remember a number of phone calls during which I confided in this guy that I didn't know what I was doing, that I didn't know who I was anymore. And at the time, it was true. I lost sight of what I valued and forgot what mattered most.
But now I've woken up from this trance and I'm picking myself up.
Yes, a lot of time has been wasted, but I'm glad that I still have time to make amends and correct my wrongdoings. All this while, I've had everything at my disposal, and now I'm going to take advantage of what is right in front of me. As far as regret goes, there's nothing I can do to rewrite history, but I can definitely learn from my mistakes.
Brother Bear used to tell me that you've got to make things happen. And only now, I know what he means. I've taken a few small steps towards enriching my stay here, and I gotta say, it feels damn good.
The best part of this sort of rude awakening? That my parents and this guy still have my back. No matter how badly I screw up, they continue to support me and raise me higher.
And of course, Allah ♥
Labels: Rants and/or updates, Self-Motivation
@ 7:48 PM; back to the top
Even when it storms I will never goMarch 7, 2010
Estoy enamorada con la cancion Pyramid de Charice e Iyaz. La encontre en Youtube y ahora no canso de escucharla.
Aun no se que voy a hacer el año que viene! Estoy re celosa de los que ya tienen su futuro todo planeado :( AHHH ojala pudiera hacer nada.
I'm in love with the song Pyramid by Charice and Iyaz. I found it in Youtube and now I can't stop listening to it.

I still don't know what I'm going to do next year!
I'm so jealous of people who already have their future all planned out :( AHHH if only i could do nothing.
I want it all, everything. I will get what I want because I will work for it. No more screwing up, no more playing around.
Goodbye failure, hello effort.
Labels: Music/Songs, Self-Motivation, Youtube
@ 2:11 PM; back to the top
I've got a pocket full of dreamsMarch 5, 2010
I've always had a sort of secret desire to visit the concrete jungle where dreams are made of. That's right, I'm talking about New York Citayy.

There's something I find so very intriguing about the way the sidewalks are full of people clad in distinctive streetwear going places on foot. It's like being in your own fashion show where you're the designer and the city is your runway.
I once accidentally voiced my thought as to why nobody walks here in the streets of KL, to receive my dad's simple answer: it's too hot. I don't know why I didn't think of it myself =.=
Alicia Keys' Empire State of Mind (Part II) Broken Down perfectly encompasses my feelings towards the dreamy city.

This last picture is of the gorgeous Rumi Neely from fashiontoast.
Labels: Music/Songs, Places, Rants and/or updates
@ 9:27 PM; back to the top

Labels: Music/Songs
@ 4:55 PM; back to the top
Can you love someone for their eyes?March 4, 2010

Zooey Deschanel.
Labels: Celebrity crushes
@ 8:07 PM; back to the top
HolaMarch 2, 2010
It's been a while since I've spoken in Spanish :( There might be some broken Spanish up in my blog now (since I am not capable of speaking full sentences with confidence).Anyway, I don't watch American Idol. In fact, I don't really watch TV at all. But I do spend countless hours on Youtube. I have some fave Youtube stars, and I just discovered that one of them, Andrew Garcia, is in the Top 12 of AI! I don't know if it's still the Top 12..? All I know is that if I lived in the U.S. he would have my vote every week! He deserves to be known for his talent.

Go Andrew!
Labels: Youtube
@ 4:14 PM; back to the top